Check out my writing work here!
welcome to my site!
Lauren Serge
compilation of journal excerpts,
writing pieces, and art
current media

current tunes

background & goals
hello! my name is lauren serge and i am currently a freshman at ohio university majoring in journalism strategic communication. i love to write (clearly), spend time with friends and family, and discover new interests.
this site is my attempt to publicize my works in a small scale--to challenge myself to unleash the vulnerability that accompanies such writing pieces and share my thoughts.
i want this site to be a positive platform for my words to reside, and hope to diversify my writing style and not question its validation or aesthetic.

quotes for inspiration
we will be happier, much happier when we realize life is an opportunity, rather than an obligation.
mary augustine
how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you
rupi kaur
your mind is a powerful tool. fill it with positive thoughts and your life will flourish
Art Inspiration
although my artistic strengths are much more prominent in writing, i hope to also dabble in simplistic drawing, painting, and photographic works.

contact and social media sites
personal instagram: laureneserge | writing instagram: laurensmusings
twitter: laureneserge | email: laurenserge2001@gmail.com
follow social media for inspiration and updates on newest blog posts!
sign up for wix.com to create your own site like my own and possibly a blog!
thank you for your support and for checking out my site!